Resiliency, Sustainability
& SMART technologies

Stronger Base


Tyndall Air Force Base’s (AFB’s) resiliency to multiple natural and manmade threats is framed in the U.S. Air Force’s doctrine known as the “5 Rs” of Resiliency. The five defining elements of resiliency are Robustness, Redundancy, Resourcefulness, Response, and Recovery. This doctrine requires new thinking when it comes to applying these principles to everything Tyndall AFB undertakes—especially the investment in its future. This doctrine is applicable to base operations, mission execution, interaction with the local and regional communities, and protection of people and property. The 5 Rs of Resiliency also encompass facility standards, including its energy, utility, communications, and facility structural systems, as well as wind loading requirements, the base master plan and the more specific area development and facility site plans, the design flood elevation, construction methods and materials, and the base’s respect for the natural environment and the power of nature.

The 5Rs help us define the performance expectations of Tyndall AFB to withstand, respond to, and recover from threats. As such, the 5 R performance metrics can be useful tools for the base’s leaders, planners, designers, constructors, and operators.

The desired infrastructure and building performance metrics should be continuously informed and developed as a function of Tyndall AFB’s asset management; they should be further informed by its Mission Dependency Index.


Extent to which a system can absorb an impact or prevent the impact from spreading to other parts of the system.


Extent to which a system has a diversity of methods in which it can continue to provide the required level of service.


Extent to which a system can adapt when impacted during a risk event and the speed with which it adapts..


Extent to which a system can enable installation activities to return to mission effectiveness.


Extent to which a system can regain initial mission effectiveness as well as normal operations plus the ability to provide support to the surrounding community and region.

Efficient Operations


Tyndall AFB’s Installation of the Future will be designed, constructed, and operated with sustainable features as unifying priorities for all horizontal and vertical efforts. Tyndall AFB projects will incorporate criteria from a variety of proven strategies, including best practices from private sector and U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) agencies, as well as framework from third-party rating systems that specifically address aspects of Tyndall AFB’s natural coastal context, infrastructure, energy and water systems, and buildings, and include aspects of occupant and community experiences.

The advanced principles and practices incorporated within this performance standard are appropriate to Tyndall AFB’s geographic context and applications, as well as mission assurance and overall sustainability objectives to aggressively ensure operational stability and healthy, successful work, home, and recreational environments. Criteria have been adapted for suitability to renovation projects as well as to new construction projects, with smart technology as a prioritized focus for applicable systems and controls.

These Performance Standards provide an array of new sustainability criteria for all project types. Application of the criteria is scalable as appropriate to match building types as related to mission criticality and functionality during and after a major climate-related event. The criteria incorporate sustainability principles and practices that align and integrate the built environment with supporting ecological systems or “natural infrastructure.” This integrative approach is essential as noted in Report on Effects of a Changing Climate to the Department of Defense:

The Department considers resilience in the installation planning and basing processes to include impacts on built and natural infrastructure. This includes consideration of environmental vulnerabilities in installation master planning, management of natural resources, design and construction standards, utility systems/service, and emergency management operations.

To this end, the Tyndall AFB Integrated Natural Resources Management Plan (INRMP) serves as a companion guide to the Installation of the Future Design Guide. The INRMP provides the ecological intelligence and base-wide performance metrics that can guide planning and design decisions to align with the strategic natural resources management goals of ensuring continued access to the land and airspace required for mission readiness while sustaining ecological integrity.

The INRMP uses the principles of ecosystem management and biodiversity conservation as the management framework to preserve and enhance Tyndall AFB’s ecosystem integrity.

Intelligent Technologies

SMART Systems

Self-Monitoring Analysis and Reporting Technology (SMART) building technologies will be employed to collect, display, record, analyze, and disseminate information, and to provide centralized visibility and communication of monitored building and utility subsystems in a uniform, secure, and affordable manner. The SMART building system(s) will use an array of commercially available software suites integrated into a single platform solution.

These Performance Standards include technologies to incorporated in the following building areas:

Tyndall AFB will have the ability to use the data resulting from the various SMART features to support faster and better decision making. The result will be reduced operating costs, optimized energy performance, enhanced safety, and extended facility life.