Image & Character
Building Types Group 1

As one of the most architecturally and symbolically important buildings on Tyndall AFB, the character of the Chapel expresses the strong spiritual component of the building, creating a "beacon" within the district. Its non-denominational program and community services are expressed in its design. This facility is a constant reminder of unity, hope, and spiritual care. Pedestrian movement among buildings is facilitated through the design of the built environment and its relationship to the site and other exterior features.

Massing & Articulation

1. Massing & Articulation

The massing is articulated in response to the building program, but more symbolic forms responding to this use are encouraged. The mass accommodates generous daylighting of the interior where appropriate. A strong, easily identified entrance is appropriate for this building. Use of a vertical tower form also is appropriate for an entry or other architectural feature. Articulation will reinforce the overall design concept, and generous attention to detail is expected. 


2. Roof Style

Sloped standing-seam metal roofing is preferred for most of the roof area. Use overhangs to protect window openings as much as practical. Create large gathering areas at the main entrance. Use multiple roof areas in response to program but avoid conflicting or overly complex roof forms and a cluttered appearance. Curved roofs may be used to highlight architectural features or as the overall building form.


3. Primary Entrances

Provide a multi-story covered entrance with integral shading devices to accommodate groups of 40 to 60 people, including sitting areas. Open-sided (versus recessed) covered entrances are preferred. Provide large, glazed areas to designate the entrance and a high level of finishes on the exterior.


4. Shading Devices

Use aluminum louver and/or shading devices at windows. Shading devices integral with the building façade also are encouraged. Provide shading devices and canopies at covered entrances for strong architectural presence.


5. Secondary Entrances

Provide a covered entrance to accommodate groups of three to four people, using building mass differentiation and glazing to identify the entrance. Provide coverage to protect openings for utility entrances.


6. Fenestration

Use extensive glazed portions at select areas of the Chapel appropriate to its spiritual function, such as the entrance and other gathering areas. Emphasize daylighting of these spaces. An integrated approach to the protection of these openings should be used as architectural features. Use punched window openings in less significant areas to create rhythm on the exterior and respond to the interior needs. Use of special window shapes in moderation also is appropriate for this facility.

Elevations: Chapel


1. Environmentally sensitive envelopes, responsive to sun, wind, and water

2. Expressive roof form, responding appropriately to building group

3. Variation of building mass

4. Architectural shading devices to control solar heat gain, especially over fenestration; shading integrated with architecture 

5. Common vertical and horizontal elements to create a strong architectural composition

6. Functional, large overhangs focused and integrated into strong entries

7. Well-defined entrance, pedestrian-scaled

8. Pedestrian-oriented spaces to encourage walkability